Hello and welcome to Spirit of Malts, our online store for whisky, rum and other spirits!
Hello and welcome to Spirit of Malts,
Spirit of Malts is a concept that brings together two friends, both passionate about single malts and other quality blends! On October 1, 2013 we decided to take the plunge and launch our activity; tasting and sales of Whisky at home.
Through this site, we hope to make you want to meet us and above all to taste and taste these wonderful Malts which are just waiting for you...!
In the “our whiskey tastings” section, you will find the available whisky tastings as well as our prices. Do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries and reservations.
As you will see through our site, we are also two Rum enthusiasts! We also organize rum tastings at home! Do not hesitate to contact us to organize a tasting!
A final word to fans: alcohol is and remains a pleasure, provided however that we respect it and never abuse it... we always favor quality over quantity.
Best regard,
David & Patrick

David Fortems & Patrick Rosière
Telephone: +32 479 99 10 10
Mail: info(at)spiritofmalts.be
Brussels - Wallonia